A quick update from the chapter Delegate Meeting in Lawrence, Kansas on October 14-15, 2014


  • The Board of Directors were proposing to reduce the size of the Board from 9 to 8. The main reason being that the Past President did not want to travel as much. After hearing from the delegates, this motion was tabled.
  • The Equipment Managers have an association that has roughly 300-400 members worldwide. They have approached GCSAA to join GCSAA with an Equipment Managers Classification. This was not met with open arms. Cost to GCSAA was a big reason even with it being said that the equipment companies would likely have classes for them. This motion was tabled to dead with the membership standards.
  • Membership standards was the big talk. The PDI program has not worked out the way it was supposed to. To make it easy, the BOD is asking to go back to how the classifications were in 2000, which is A, B and C classes. A new Superintendent is a class B member until they have been a Superintendent for three years, then they become a Class A member. There was some opposition to this where some members felt that a pesticide license is needed. The BOD will go over this and come back next year with a recommendation to vote on in 2016.
  • The last thing that was brought to the delegates was a dues increase of $10.00 for A/Superintendent members and $5.00 for C members. These dues increases are brought forward every 2-3 years and are based on the CPI. This is done so as not to have a $50.00 raise every 5 years.

There were a few other items that were presented to us and I will post those later but I did want to tell everyone about GCSAA Government Relations. Chava McKeel and her staff have done some wonderful things for GCSAA in Washington. They were helpful in getting MSMA back as well as the extended use of Nemacur. Right now they are working on meeting with the EPA regarding the Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rulemaking.

Russ Dooge
GCSAA Hawaii Chapter Delegate