The Hawai’i Golf Course Superintendents Association (HGCSA) has released a handbook of Hawai’i Golf Maintenance Best Management Practices (BMPs). The handbook promotes environmental stewardship, golf course playability, and overall health of the Hawai’i golf and tourism industries.
The HGCSA represents 125 members within the state. Our ‘ohana includes superintendents, agronomists, assistant superintendents, mechanics, greenskeepers, and industry suppliers. We believe it is our kuleana (responsibility) to our land and communities to operate using sustainable methods of natural resource management. This handbook provides guidance for all areas of golf maintenance for golf courses of all sizes, with BMPs specific to our state. Our goal is to promote environmental stewardship, community engagement, and the overall health of the Hawai’i golf and tourism industries.
“We’re proud to release the handbook, the HGCSA encourages its 125 members to perform at the highest standards with ongoing care and respect for the environment,” said Nanea Golf Club superintendent, HGCSA president, and BMP steering committee co-chair Scott Main. “It’s important for collaboration within our communities.”