Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Blog

Photos for Best Management Practices Handbook

Light Topdressing No. 10 Green Emerald Course Wailea
Photo: Mike Atwood

Aloha members.

We are excited to announce the near completion of the BMP Handbook for Hawaii golf courses. The committee is now reaching out to each of you to supply pictures from your golf course, employee outings, and anything you think would add to the document. Attach the file, add a description, the course name, peoples names if in photo, and credit the person that took the photo. Please see the list of photos still needed below and forward on to [email protected] These photos will be part of the handbook so high resolution photos, Iphone works, would be great to include in this publication.


Scott Main

Pictures Needed for the BMP Handbook on the Topics Listed Below:

  • Pump station
  • Aerification
  • Examples of different types of water bodies from each island
  • Erosion control
  • Construction
  • Hybrid equipment
  • Electric golf carts
  • Stormwater protection
  • True Turf Roller, Stand-alone roller and triplex rollers
  • Maintenance facility
  • Maintenance crews pics (teams and individuals, close up)
  • Maintenance crews pics – action (cultural practices)
  • Lighting on course
  • Golfers
  • PPE/Safety Sheets/Posted instructions
  • Fuel station
  • Recycling areas
  • Native plants
  • Unique course features/views – specifically Kaua’I and Oahu
  • Views (general)

2019 Rounds 4 Research

Dear Hawaii GCSA Members,

I hope this finds you all doing well and preparing for what promises to be another busy year throughout the islands.

I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Hawaii GCSA Board of Directors concerning the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) Rounds 4 Research program. Rounds 4 Research was started in 2012 to address funding shortages in the areas of turfgrass research, education and advocacy. To date, the auction has raised more than $782,000 nationally.

The premise of the program is simple: Golf facilities can support the effort by donating rounds of golf for two or four or “stay and play” packages and other items that will be auctioned online through a nationwide auction from April 29 – May 5.

The proceeds from the online auction are designated by the participating facilities to their local GCSA chapter (in this case, Hawaii). 80 percent goes to the chapter with the remaining 20 percent going to EIFG to assist with marketing and technical costs of running the national auction. The auction is conducted through the bidding platform biddingforgood.com. Donated items can be viewed at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?vhost=eifg.

The Hawaii GCSA can then decide how to best spend the funds in the areas of research, education or advocacy efforts.

I’m asking all of you today to consider donating a twosome or foursome from your facility to the auction. In times of declining membership, participation and sponsorship, these additional funds can be critical to our chapter to continue providing the member services you have become accustomed to.

The donation process can be completed online and takes approximately 10 minutes. Please visit http://www.eifg.org/research/rounds-4-research/donate-a-round/online-form and complete the form.
The participating facility has the ability to restrict rounds to certain days and times as well as the option of setting your opening bid. You can send in your own certificate for the donation or the EIFG will create a certificate for you.

If you have any questions concerning Rounds 4 Research, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I appreciate your time and consideration. You will be assisting your local chapter as well as raising funds for the future of the game.


Russ Dooge, CGCS
Executive Director
Hawaii GCSA

2019 Golf Industry Show in San Diego

The 2019 Golf Industry Show in San Diego was well attended by members of the Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Association. The Educational Events and the Trade Show are always helpful for us Hawaii folks to keep current on new products and technologies which are changing fast. Also the chance to network with 6,000 other Golf Industry decision makers from 60 or so countries made the trip up to the mainland a valuable experience.

CLICK to view the photo gallery from this GREAT event!!!

Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA
Superintendent of the Year

Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA
Superintendent of the Year

Annually the HGCSA chooses a member for their Superintendent of the Year (SOY) award for their ability to excel at one or more of the following criteria: educating and advancing the careers of colleagues and assistants, negotiating with government agencies, maximizing budget limitations, preparing for tournaments under unusual circumstances, service to golf clientele, upgrading and renovating golf courses, dealing with extreme or emergency conditions and the member’s lasting impact on the Hawaii Golf Industry.


Leslie Jeremiah Jr., 2018 HGCSA SOY


  • At 8 years old, Les was introduced to the game of golf from his two uncles, golfing at Bay View GC
  • First job was picking up range balls at Bay View GC; proceeded to work on the golf course grounds crew cutting cups, mowing greens & spraying RoundUp
  • At 18 years old, got his first full time job at Minami Golf Course (Koolau) under Sean Hoolahan


  1. Waikele Golf Club – construction grow-in w/ Kalani Voeller
  2. Bay View Golf Course – worked way up to GC Supervisor
  3. Various Landscape companies (intermittently)
  4. Bay View Golf Course – construction grow-in w/ Curtis Kono
  5. Challenge @ Manele – Asst. Supt under Earl Mamuad
  6. Makena – Asst. Supt under Dan Honma
  7. Experience @ Koele – Head Supt.
  8. Challenge @ Manele & Experience @ Koele – Head Supt.
  9. DHR Construction – Director of Agronomy & GC Construction (S. Korea, Philippines, Hawaiian Islands)
  10. Hoakalei CC – Director of Golf Maintenance


  1. Turf certificate @ UH Windward
  2. Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS)
  3. Golf Course Management certificate @ Ohio State University


  1. Golf Course Turf consultant work in Guam
  2. Speaker at Turfgrass Management seminar in Thailand & Philippines, and Hawaii conferences
  3. Active Board Member for Hawaii Turfgrass Association & HGCSA
  4. Mentored numerous members who have become/are currently Head Superintendents & GM’s

Outcomes from the Chapter Delegates Kansas City Meeting

A few weeks ago I attended the 2018 GCSAA Delegates Meeting in Kansas as your representative and below are the “Outcomes” of that meeting.
. . . Russ

The GCSAA Board of Directors, 2019 board candidates, and 89 delegates representing 91 of GCSAA’s 99 affiliated chapters, convened at the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel and GCSAA Headquarters on November 13 – 14, 2018, for the 26th annual Chapter Delegates Meeting. Thirty-six of the delegates were first-time attendees.

Key Outcomes

  • CPI Dues increase proposal will move forward for a vote at the 2019 Annual Meeting in San Diego.
  • Go To Meeting presentations will be scheduled with the delegates to discuss the membership recruitment and retention strategies as they are further refined.
  • Proposal to add a Friends category to the bylaws will move forward for a vote at the 2019 Annual Meeting.
  • Proposal to add a Facility Membership category to the bylaws will move forward.
  • Proposal to add flexibility to the Annual Dues section of the bylaws will move forward.
  • The Board of Directors will consider the Board Policy Oversight Task Group (BPOTG) recommendations at its Winter Meeting.

Hawaii’s GCSAA “First Green” Founder Superintendent Dan Husek Discusses the Program

Conversation with Hualala’i Director of Golf Maintenance Dan Husek about Hawaii’s first “First Green” program.

Pretty cool thing Dan did here. Great PR for all of us.
—Scott Main

First Green, a Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) program, pairs golf courses with local schools for unique Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning opportunities. Check it out at thefirstgreen.org

HGCSA Legislative News Update – SB3095

Here is a quick update on SB3095 SD1 HD1 CD1 that is about to pass. This bill started out with restricting pesticide spraying within 100 feet of schools and banding chlorpyrifos pesticides. It has changed to having any user of restricted use chemicals to report annual use to the state. CLICK HERE tp view the bill on the state legislature website.

Mandatory Pesticide Disclosure; Pesticide Reporting and Regulation Program; Chlorpyrifos; Pesticide Use Revolving Fund; Pesticide Drift Monitoring Study; Appropriation

Beginning 1/1/2019, requires all users of restricted use pesticides to be subject to a requirement to report on their use of restricted use pesticides to the Department of Agriculture (DOA). Prohibits the use of a restricted use pesticide on or within 100 feet of a school during normal school hours beginning on 1/1/2019. Prohibits the use of pesticides containing chlorpyrifos as an active ingredient beginning 1/1/2019; provided that the DOA shall grant any person, upon request, a temporary permit allowing the use of pesticides containing chlorpyrifos through 12/31/2022. Provides for the deposit into the pesticide use revolving fund of all penalties and fines collected under the Hawaii Pesticides Law. Revises the ceiling and use of the pesticide use revolving fund. Requires the DOA to develop a pesticide drift monitoring study no later 7/1/2019. Appropriates general funds for the pesticide drift monitoring study, establishment of two full-time equivalent positions, and outreach and education. (CD1)

Rounds 4 Research Golf auction

Rounds 4 Research is an innovative program aimed at generating resources to fund research and help ensure golf’s future. The premise is simple: Golf facilities can support the effort by donating rounds of golf for two or four or “stay and play” packages and other items that are auctioned online.

Opens for Bidding April 30, 2018

Whether you are an organization looking to solicit rounds or a golfer looking for the opportunity to support research while enjoying the sport you love, Rounds 4 Research provides a way for all aspects of the game to come together to ensure its future.

Scott Main Receives GCSAA-Golf Digest National Environmental Leaders in Golf Award

The awards recognize golf course superintendents and their courses for overall course management excellence and best management practices in the areas of water conservation, water quality management, energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste management, wildlife and habitat conservation, communication and outreach, and leadership.

From the GCSAA Press Release announcing the awards:

Main’s Mauna Kea Resort is the oldest resort and oldest golf course on the Big Island of Hawaii. Its position right on the Pacific Ocean presents unique challenges, not only in compatibility with the marine ecosystem, but also because of soil that contains crushed lava and an average annual rainfall of 4.2 inches. Transitioning the course from bermudagrass to paspalum, which is salt-tolerant and requires less water, is just one aspect of the water conservation program.

In keeping with the Hawaiian culture’s dedication to wildlife, Main has partnered with the Department of Land and Natural Resources to rope off areas and display signage to protect nesting nene, Hawaii’s state bird and the world’s rarest goose. In the past three years, the course’s nene population has increased by 300 percent. Ocean wildlife is important too, and Mauna Kea participates in an ongoing study with the University of Hawai’i at Hilo to help gauge Mauna Kea’s water quality and its effect on coral reefs.

Congratulations to Scott and Mauna Kea Golf Course!

HGCSA Legislative News Update

This an a update on what is going on at our HI Legislature session this year. There are a lot of bills that have to do with pesticides and a couple of them deserve watching.

  1. HB 1756 HD1 has to do with the state banning the use and sale of any products with chlorpyrifos in it. This type of bill has been around for a few years. Not sure what will happen this session.

    Here is the published submitted testimony from Scott E. Enright Chairperson, Board Of Agriculture for the April 2nd hearing:
    Please CLICK HERE to view the testimony.

  2. HB 2722 HD1 is about restricting the use of neonicotinoid and glyphosate products. This one could pass but it did get re-referred back to EEP/AGR committee.

    If you read the bill it says use on state/public property and will need a restricted use license.
    Please CLICK HERE to view the bill.

  3. HB2721 HD1 is posting public notice before spraying, it also was re-referred back to committee.
    Please CLICK HERE to view the committee report.

Please take a look at these bills and any others on the legislation website https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/ and type in pesticides at the keyword line.

If you have any concerns, we are forming a response to these bills, please send them to Mike Atwood at [email protected].

Russell Dooge, CGCS