Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Blog

The HGCSA 2014 “Lifetime Achivement Award” and “Superintendent of the Year” Recipients Announced

The 2014 Hawaii Golf Ho’olaule’a Awards Banquet was the setting for Russell Dooge CGCS-RT to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award and Robert Medeiros Jr. to be named the Golf Course Superintendent of the Year. These fine individuals were selected by their peers and the Board of Directors of the Aloha Section PGA as outstanding volunteers and experts of their craft.

russRuss is a 1975 graduate of UH Manoa with a degree in Horticulture Technology. He first served as a golf course worker at Mid-Pacific Country Club in many positions before assuming his first superintendent position at Kaluakoi GC on Molokai from 1977 to 1989. He subsequently served as GC Superintendent at Waikapu, Maui; Koele & Manele, Lanai; Sandalwood Maui; Kapalua and Kahili & King Kamehameha on Maui. Russell was one of the first GCSAA Certified GC Superintendent in Hawaii from 1985 to present. He has also served since 1996 to present as the HGCSA delegate to the national Golf Course Superintendents Association of America and served on numerous committees during his tenure.

Russ has also served as the HGCSA President on numerous occasions and has been a Association Director for nearly 20 years.

Russ has been the back bone of HGCSA during his tenure on the Board and has been our liaison with GCSAA. His contributions to HGCSA are immeasurable and have had a very positive effect in the growth and stability of the Association.

* * * * * * * * * *

robertRobert Medeiros has been active in the golf course business for 27 years. He has been at Kiahuna Golf Club in Kauai for 19 years. During his tenure at Kiahuna, he was one of the first superintendents to start converting to seashore paspalum grasses. He also has been involved in numerous renovations at Kiahuna which has helped the Club not only financially; but, also environmentally. In 2005 Kiahuna was named the Water Conservationist of the Year by the Dept. of Water Works of Kauai. This past year Robert has helped the owners secure a PV system to help reduce cost for the entire club.

Today, Kiahuna is one of the most energy efficient as well as environmentally friendly golf courses in the state. All of these accomplishments are due in great part to Robert’s leadership.

Re-energizing the synergy of the Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Association

On January 10th, the HGCSA held a board meeting and golf outing and small get together at the Kaneohe Klipper golf course on Oahu. 22 participants both comprised of Superintendents and vendors enjoyed quality company and fun. Our goal for the HGCSA is to re-energize the association with these outings regularly and take it out to the neighbor islands as well. Mahalo to Ryan Wood for being such as gracious host and providing us with great playing conditions! Thanks to all for attending as well. We look forward to continued participation with these types of events.

Annual Dinner at the 2014 GIS in Orlando

I hope everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas!

Once again, time is nearing for the Golf Industry Show and the annual Mahalo Dinner sponsored by various suppliers who support the Hawaii golf industry. Attached is the invitation and information for the dinner which will be held on Wednesday nite, February 5 with hosted cocktails beginning at 5 pm. Since most everyone seemed to enjoy the last GIS dinner in Orlando, we’ll repeat our visit to Vito’s Chop House. It’s conveniently located somewhat near the convention center and many of the hotels.

I hope to see you there. Please rsvp with the attached form or with a simple email reply to me.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!!


Al Kakazu

B. Hayman Co.
94-062 Leokane St
Waipahu, HI 96797
Phone (808)671-2811
Direct (808)686-9202
Cell (808)265-2177
Fax (808)677-4961
[email protected]

David Smallwood Receives Certificate Of Completion from the Syngenta Business Institute

David Smallwood (left) receives his certificate of completion for the Syngenta Business Institute from Stephanie Schwenke (right), the company’s golf market manager.
David Smallwood (left) receives his certificate of completion for the Syngenta Business Institute from Stephanie Schwenke (right), the company’s golf market manager.
Congratulations to David Smallwood, who was selected as one of 22 golf course superintendents to participate in the Syngenta Business Institute, a unique, educational program.

The Syngenta Business Institute is sponsored by Syngenta in conjunction with Wake Forest University’s graduate school of business and was held Dec. 9 to Dec. 12 in Winston-Salem, N.C. While agronomic expertise is critical to superintendent success, Syngenta also recognized the need to provide superintendents with business management tools.

Syngenta worked with Wake Forest to develop a program that focused on financial and human resources management, delegation and negotiation skills, effective communications techniques, managing generational differences and more.

He was selected from a talented pool of superintendents based on an application process that reviewed their educational background, industry achievements and an industry-related essay.

Smallwood is the golf course superintendent at Kapalua in Lahaina.

Learn about the SDS format that replaces current MSDSs and prepare to train your team

Federal OHSA requires employers to train workers on the new labels elements and safety data sheets format to facilitate recognition and understanding.

Here is the “Microsoft Power Point” presentation used as part of the Marine Corps Order on the conversion from MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) to SDS (Safety Data Sheets). I thought this would provide some information for those of you who haven’t seen it.


Ryan A. Wood
Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course

The GCSAA has an employee training record that can be downloaded and modified as needed to document the training you’ve held with your employees.

GCSAA – Southwest: Hawaii course uses innovative design to offer fun alternative to golfers

by Jeff Jensen-GCSAA Southwest Regional Representative

Jensen-thumbnailAs I travel throughout the Southwest to varied allied golf organization meetings, the topic of player development is the most frequently discussed issue in the industry. What can facilities, superintendents, PGA professionals and allied golf organizations do to attract new players (both young and old) to the game?

While I can site numerous player development programs around the country, one of the best and most creative hails from the Aloha State.

Located on the North Shore of Kauai, The Prince Golf Club at the Princeville at Hanalei Resort is one of the country’s top golf and resort destinations. Designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr., the course is annually rated among the Top 100 Courses in America by numerous publications, including Golf Digest, Golf Magazine and GolfWeek.

The course recently underwent a $5 million renovation, and, in an effort to provide a fun and fast alternative to the traditional 18 holes, the resort designed an innovative par-three layout.

The Mini Prince opened in April of 2013, and was carved out of The Prince’s world-class 13-acre practice facility, utilizing its practice greens and bunkers. Behind this innovative design is the management and golf operations staff including Derrick Watts, the GCSAA Class A director of agronomy at the Prince. Watts, the past president of the Hawaii GCSA, enhanced the existing practice greens and expanded them into six complete par-three holes that serve as part of the driving range for most of the day and are then transformed into a six-hole course in the late afternoon.

GCSAA chapter delegates focus on the future

…I really sensed optimism and a clear vision for the future. The work done in the past is having an impact. Superintendents have respect and are at the table. Now we have to figure out how we build on that momentum for the future.”
— Bob Nielsen, CGCS at Bedford (N.Y.) Golf and Tennis Club

2013-chapter-delegatesThe annual GCSAA Chapter Delegates Meeting (Oct. 1-2) took on a decidedly different appearance this year, as the focus was not so much on the current state of affairs, but more on the future of the association and the profession.

“We were intent on getting feedback on what the profession would look like in the future, targeting the range of 2020 to 2025,” GCSAA President Patrick R. Finlen, CGCS, said. “It became obvious to the board through our discussions with those in the golf industry, including members, that the profession is experiencing rapid change. Superintendents are being asked to do more, and the tools and resources we use to do that job are changing. Just look at what is happening with technology. The game of golf may not be changing much, but how we manage it is.”

Peering into the crystal ball

New Assistant Specialist, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, UH Manoa

Zhiqiang Cheng, Ph.D., is the new Assistant Specialist, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.

Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng is a scientist working on the biology, ecology, and management of turfgrass and urban landscapes, as well as on soil ecology, and environmental bio-indicators. Dr. Cheng obtained his Ph.D. degree (Environmental Science) from The Ohio State University (OSU), and worked in the Department of Entomology at OSU prior to joining University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Cheng has over 10 years of research experience in the ecology and management of turfgrass and urban landscapes. He has given presentations in many international and national conferences, meetings, and workshops. Dr. Cheng has been managing the Soil Ecology Lab of Agroecosystems Management Program at OSU since September 2008. He has also been working closely with the industry. For example, he has conducted research projects in collaboration with TruGreen Chemlawn Company, and MTD Corporation, respectively. Further, Dr. Cheng is one of the founding members of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), and has been serving on the Awards Committee of AESS since 2009. In addition, Dr. Cheng serves as peer-reviewer for many premium scientific journals, including Pest Management Science, Journal of Nematology, Journal of Forestry, Compost Science and Utilization, Applied Soil Ecology, and more.

Advanced Drip Irrigation Design/Installation Seminar

“Advanced Drip Irrigation Design and Installation Seminar” and installation techniques is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd for Irrigation Designers and Contractors.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Advanced Design Class to start at 10:00 AM and run till Noon on 23 July, 2013
  • Free Lunch (Noon to 1:00) prepared by our gourmet in-house Chief Steven
  • Advanced Installation techniques from 1:00   3:00 which will be both class room and hands on instruction.
Both of these will be advanced classes and will assume the participates have had some experience in drip irrigation design and/or installation. Please plan to attend whichever class best suits your needs, but you’re also welcomed to attend both classes.


    Pacific Pipe Classroom
    1255 Kuala Street
    Pearl City, HI 96782
    Tel: 455-8700
Space is limited to 25 people, so please RSVP as soon as possible to Allan at 380-4527 to reserve your spot.