Hawaii Golf Course Superintendents Blog
Friends Remember Robin Nelson
By: Jeff Shelley
Golf course architect Robin Nelson died November 19, 2012, after a valiant battle with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was 61.
Nelson was a longtime principal in the firm of Nelson & Haworth, which has offices in Singapore, Shanghai and San Francisco.
An environmental design graduate from Cal, Nelson began his career as a golf course architect in 1973, working with Robert Muir Graves and then Ron Fream. In a 2000 interview, Nelson described his design philosophy thusly: “My main idea is to let the site speak for itself, to take whatever the site has and transform it into a golf course, if at all possible. I hope to achieve the combination of variety, fairness, presentation and a challenge to the player.”
He employed that principal around the world, designing courses in such far-flung places as Australia, Canada, China, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Among his well-known layouts are Mauna Lani in Hawaii; Bali Golf & Country Club; Shenzhen Golf Club in China; Ravenwood Golf Club in New York; and The Dragon at Gold Mountain in California.
He was named Golf Course Architect of the Year in 2000 by Boardroom Magazine, and his courses received numerous “Best of” citations in American and international publications.
It was in 2003 at The Dragon – now called Nakoma Golf Resort – where I met Robin. Also at that course during my stay was an associate of Nelson’s, Mark Miller, who remains a good friend of mine today. (See below for Mark’s memories of Robin.) That trip to northern California resulted in three stories – Tale of the Dragon – Part 1, Tale of the Dragon – Part 2 and Tale of the Dragon – Part 3.
9th Biennial 2012 Water Reuse Conference
The joint Hawaii Environment Association (HWEA) and the Hawaii Section American Water Works Association (HIAWWA) Water Reuse Committee is pleased to announce the hosting of its 9th Biennial 2012 Water Reuse Conference.
This 1-1/2 day conference will be held at the Sheraton Kona Resort and Spa on Thursday, November 29 and Friday, November 30, 2012.
This conference focuses features speakers discussing various recycled water programs, case studies and local and national perspectives.
We invite HGCSA members to attend this conference and would be pleased if you could post the attached conference program and registration information on the HGCSA web site and/or in your next publication.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
- CLICK HERE to download the HWEA 2012 Water Reuse Conference Program
- CLICK HERE to download the HWEA 2012 Water Reuse Conference Registration Form
Elson Gushiken
Co-chair Hawaii Water Reuse Committee
Office: (808) 637-5078 Fax: (808) 637-4779
Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
Web Site: www.itcwater.com</mailto:[email protected]>
Images from the State Seminar and Golf Tournament 2012
Recap of the 2012 HGCSA State Seminar and Golf Tournament from Association President Derrick Watts
Click Here to view the Association President’s letter recapping the 2012 HGCSA State Seminar and Golf Tournament.
Sale in process for two Kaanapali golf courses
Negotiations are under way for the sale of the Royal Ka’anapali and Ka’anapali Kai golf courses, according to an announcement Friday from the prospective buyer.
The adjacent 18-hole golf courses are owned by Royal Kaanapali Holdings, and the buyer is Pacific Links International, according to Pacific Links spokeswoman Monica Salter.
She said that the parties were in the process of finalizing the purchase of the West Maui golf courses.
“It hasn’t closed at this point,” Salter said Friday afternoon. “They are in a due diligence period.”
She said that there are 90 golf course employees, but they would be retained by the new owner, if the purchase goes through as expected.
2012 Annual Members Meeting and Seminar
8:00 – 9:00 Concerns About Water for Golf. Water Issues with Regulators And Legislators.
9:00 – 10:00 Best Management Practices for Water Management. A Case Study in Georgia
10:15 – 12:00 Future of Water for Golf. Water Quality – Do We Care?
Ultradwarfs in the South
1:00 – 2:00 Golf Course Championship Conditions
2:00 – 3:00 Turf Tips from around the country
3:15 – 4:30 Wrap up and Questions
A Wonderland of Grasses: Hawaii
The climate of the Hawaiian Islands is such that a tremendous variety of grasses can grow well and produce fine turfgrass surfaces. I was recently at Hawaii to do some botanizing on the Big Island and on Oahu. Thanks are due to Les Jeremiah, CGCS, who helped guide me to some of the most interesting turfgrass sites; we visited fifteen distinct sites and made a quick survey of the grasses growing at each.
The species added up in a hurry! In just two days we saw:
Creeping bentgrass, Agrostis stolonifera
Bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon
Hybrid bermudagrass, C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis
Broadleaf carpetgrass, Axonopus compressus
Narrowleaf carpetgrass, Axonopus affinis
Kikuyugrass, Pennisetum clandestinum
Manilagrass, Zoysia matrella
Japanese lawngrass, Zoysia japonica
Seashore paspalum, Paspalum vaginatum
Hilograss, Paspalum conjugatum
St. Augustinegrass, Stenotaphrum secundatumWe saw what was growing in the sun, what was growing in the shade, what grows under irrigated conditions, and what grows where no irrigation is applied. There is a striking contrast in grass species performance between the relatively sunny climate at Honolulu (at right) and the much cloudier conditions at Hilo (top right). At Hilo, even in full sun, we saw a lot of carpetgrass and manilagrass and very little bermudagrass. In full sun at Honolulu we saw a lot of bermudagrass and much less manilagrass or carpetgrass. And naturally, in unirrigated areas, we saw lots of bermudagrass, and very little seashore paspalum.
Viridescent – the Asian Turfgrass Center blog: A Wonderland of Grasses: Hawaii
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison buying Hawaiian island of Lanai
Billionaire Larry Ellison, founder and CEO of Oracle, has signed an agreement to purchase 98 percent of the Hawaiian island of Lanai from fellow billionaire David Murdock, according to documents filed with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
According to the documents, filed Tuesday with the PUC, the sale includes the two resort hotels — the Four Seasons Resorts Lanai at Manele Bay and the Four Seasons Resorts Lanai, Lodge at Koele — two championship golf courses and club houses, The Experience at Koele and The Challenge at Manele and more than 88,000 acres of land.
The price was not disclosed, but previous estimates put the price around $500 million.
The PUC still needs to approve the sale with respect to Lanai’s regulated utilities. Castle & Cooke Inc. and Ellison, in the application to the PUC are asking for interim approval of the indirect sale and transfer of the regulated subsidiaries, such as Lanai Water Co. Inc. and Lanai Transportation Co. Inc., to happen no later than Tuesday.
Maui County mayor Alan Arakawa and Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie told PBN this week that they had met with Murdock’s Castle & Cooke Hawaii Inc. and were told that there was a buyer for the island. The state owns 2 percent of the island, while Maui County owns nearly 200 acres with an assessed value of $7.9 million, and leases about 21 acres from Castle & Cooke.
Murdock took control of Lanai, the sixth-largest island in Hawaii by acreage, in 1985 as a result of his purchase of Castle & Cooke. The state owns 2 percent of the island.
Rumors had been spreading for some time that either Ellison, or Bill Gates of Microsoft-fame, would buy Lanai.
Gates and his wife, Melinda, rented out the entire island, a former pineapple plantation, for their 1994 wedding, while Ellison has a home on Lanai.
Ellison, 67, had a net worth of $36 billion as of March, and was ranked No. 6 on Forbes magazine’s list of the world’s billionaires, and the third richest man in the United States behind No. 1 Gates and No. 2 Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway.
Rounds 4 Research Program
Jeff Jensen, GCSAA Field Staff, Southwest Region
What’s all the buzz coming from the GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, Kan.? It’s the Rounds 4 Research program that was recently taken over by the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG).
Originally developed and implemented by the Carolinas GCSA, funds for research, scholarships and charity are generated by securing donated rounds of golf (defined as a foursome) by facilities and then the rounds are made available to the public through an online auction.
The program, which raised nearly $350,000 for the Carolinas GCSA in only three years, created a demand by GCSAA chapters throughout the country who wanted to implement a similar plan and led the Carolinas to seek out an organization that could market and manage the program on a national basis.
By making the highly successful model available to GCSAA’s 100 affiliated chapters, the EIFG will make funds available to chapters that have seen their research, scholarship and advocacy dollars drained by the Recession.
So how does it work?
Superintendents, golf professionals, allied golf organizations, etc. are asked to secure a donated foursome to their facility that will be made available to the general public through an online national auction that will be conducted on a to be determined date. Biddingforgood.com will serve as the online auction site and EIFG/GCSAA will provide administrative, marketing and public relations services to promote the auction. Biddingforgood.com has a database of over 600,000 users.
This website contains both color images and scans from the Handbook of Hawaiian Weeds (eds. E.L. Haselwood and G.G. Motter, Univ. of Hawaii Press, © Harold L. Lyon Arboretum, 1983). The color images are designed to complement the description of weeds provided in the handbook. To use this website as a study guide, open two browser windows with the description from the handbook in one and the color slides in the other. This way you can better visualize the morphological characteristics described.
Website author:
Dr Joe DeFrank, Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Science. UH-Manoa.
3190 Maile Way, Rm. 102. Honolulu, HI 96822.
Ph: 808-956-5698, FAX: 808-956-3894, email: [email protected].