Aloha Members,
We as a board are committed to trying to create an active association, in which persons feel value for their membership. That being said, I wanted to reach out and update you on the State Association.
Board Members: President, Dan Husek; Vice President, Joe Vittum; Treasurer, Chad Higaki; Secretary, Nolan Johnson; Maui Rep, Joe Tardiff; Lanai Rep, Seril Shimizu; Big Island Rep, Nolan Johnson; Vendor Rep, Rich Song; Past President, Scott Main; Financial Officer Clarence Nakashima; Faculty Advisor, Dr. Zhiqiang Cheng; and Executive Director/GCSAA Delegate, Russell Dooge
We as a board have been in discussions on how to create active momentum within the association. To achieve this, it takes time, commitment, dedication, organization and coordination by a person or persons. It has been proposed and tabled for discussion, to pay the Executive Director position a nominal salary to generate and support multiple events / gatherings throughout the year. Within the western region of the GCSAA our association is the only association that currently does not have a paid Executive Director position, and yes, some associations are smaller than us. We welcome your feedback, and as a reminder: you can always get involved and volunteer.
Along that line of thought: in addition to the Annual Golf and Seminar set to be held in the fall on Oahu; we are attempting to schedule a Maui event this summer (short notice and working out details.) We are also pleased to announce: a May 2024 event on the Big Island. This event is being planned as a two-day, team scramble event. Mark your calendars; and we will be contacting possible sponsors and should have details ready to announce by the Annual Golf and Seminar gathering.
The HGCSA by-laws are in need of re-writing, last updated in 1996. The GCSAA requires us to be in alignment with their by-laws and we need to meet the “affiliation agreement” with the GCSAA. We are seeking out a lawyer to assist with this process.
The 2023 PGA Aloha Section Ho’olaule’a Ceremony was held on February 10th at the Japanese Cultural Center. The HGCSA presented two awards. Congratulations to Chad Higaki for well-deserved Superintendent of the Year. Fantastic speech and it was great to have his wife, sister and brother-in-law be there in support. We also presented to Joy Kono and family (Megan & Ryan) the Lifetime Achievement Award honoring Curtis Kono.
One more reminder: rounds for research. Super easy to donate. If the website is too intimidating, reach out and ask; we’ll get you to the right people at GCSAA. What’s in it for “you”? …. your HGCSA dues, the dues of your assistant(s) and equipment manager are waived AND you are donating to GCSAA research helping to sustain the future of golf.
Thank you for reading,
Dan Husek