Jeff Jensen, GCSAA Field Staff, Southwest Region
What’s all the buzz coming from the GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, Kan.? It’s the Rounds 4 Research program that was recently taken over by the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG).
Originally developed and implemented by the Carolinas GCSA, funds for research, scholarships and charity are generated by securing donated rounds of golf (defined as a foursome) by facilities and then the rounds are made available to the public through an online auction.
The program, which raised nearly $350,000 for the Carolinas GCSA in only three years, created a demand by GCSAA chapters throughout the country who wanted to implement a similar plan and led the Carolinas to seek out an organization that could market and manage the program on a national basis.
By making the highly successful model available to GCSAA’s 100 affiliated chapters, the EIFG will make funds available to chapters that have seen their research, scholarship and advocacy dollars drained by the Recession.
So how does it work?

Superintendents, golf professionals, allied golf organizations, etc. are asked to secure a donated foursome to their facility that will be made available to the general public through an online national auction that will be conducted on a to be determined date. will serve as the online auction site and EIFG/GCSAA will provide administrative, marketing and public relations services to promote the auction. has a database of over 600,000 users.
The donor can specify any restrictions (including days/times) when uploading the round to the site as well as provide an image or logo to enhance the offering.
Upon completion of the auction, 80% of the funds that were raised through the auctioned rounds will be given back to the chapter (where the round was secured) to be used for research, scholarships, advocacy or charity. The remaining 20% goes towards the EIFG and supports the administrative, marketing and technical costs associated with maintaining an auction of this scope.
As Southwest Region Field Representative, I am asking all of our superintendents to consider donating a foursome to Rounds 4 Research. You will be advancing research in your chosen field, creating opportunities for future superintendents through scholarships and assisting those in need through charitable contributions.
More details on Rounds 4 Research will be made available shortly and if you have any questions concerning the program, please feel free to call me at 785-840-7879 or email me at [email protected].
Additionally, if you need assistance in helping secure a foursome through your owner, general manager, or grounds and greens committee, please let me know as I would be glad to make a call to better explain the program and its benefits to the donating facility.
I hope you are all enjoying the great summer weather and thank you for your support of GCSAA. I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.